Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Taxpayers Beware of Ur Governments

#Taxpayers in the #Americas and #Caribbean just as U are bearing the brunt of four hurricanes in recent weeks - U will bear the #financial bill for the cleanup in #Ur #taxes! 

Beware of #Government #Promises! 

Most governments are already morally + financially #bankrupt! Thus they're borrowing the #money they  promise U to #HELLPPP U 

Look at the #Trump #Irma $15 Billion funds for U first line sufferers - Tied nicely to his bill to extend funding for the Federal #USA Government for the next three months 

#Beware - #AskGod to #HELLPPP U + Urs #SurviveWithPower his #hurricanes + Ur government's empty promises - Funded with Ur tax money + borrowed funds! 

1 comment:

  1. Praise God, for releasing us to talk earnestly to all folks bearing the brunt of God's weather-woes! That they beware of empty government promises of #HELLPPP. For which they, the first line sufferers, will pay in their increased taxes. Let them #AskGod to #HELLPPP them #SurviveWithPower not only God's Judgment Crisis, but also their government's empty promises.
